MicaBeauty Cosmetics
Photoshop, Illustrator, Magento, Photography, Printing
Project description
When I moved to LA I started working for E.L.I. Trading Inc., MicaBeauty cosmetics was their primary DBA.
I worked under the head designer, Ilan, and quickly learned to handle the wide variety of duties: catalogs, magazine ads, product designs and package designs, flyers, posters, huge banners (20 ft long) for trade shows and social media marketing. Started with the company’s Facebook page.
Do you remember when Facebook had a vertical profile image on the side of the page? 😉 I created posts and added an app on Facebook which allowed shopping through Facebook.
Took on photography, and after retouching in Photoshop the item was ready to be used in newsletters (in this below example it’s just to inform our retailers that we have plastic bags available) 😀

Ilan left us to pursue his own business so I quickly learned Magento to keep the company’s site maintained and keep the online orders rolling in.
We used the economic version of Magento and it worked great for our needs. Had 3 shipping methods (USPS, UPS or FedEx), 2 payment options (Credit card or PayPal). Each product had several images and color choices in nice thumbnails, a landing page image slider, a newsletter registration form. Every few weeks we launched a promotion with coupon codes. I did some basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for each page and each product but the best SEO is from reviews which flowed in nicely too.

We sold that kiosk units all over the USA and sent our expert logistics manager/craftsman, Itamar, to put it together. He got so busy so we made a brief manual for a do-it-yourself kiosk – just a simple IKEA-like guide book for the client to be able to install the unit in his/her designated shopping center
I filled the display with the products, photo shot it from many angles, retouched and designed a catalog for it

Got many more examples to fill up this page, come back soon. 🙂